img · picture · audio · video · iframe · figure · figcaption · embed · object · source · track · param · canvas · svg



Include an image

The img element is used to display a photograph or graphic drawing within a document.
photograph, graphic image, html, semantax, media-embed, img


Negotiate an alternative image

The picture element allows the browser and server to negotiate which version of an image to use.
negotiate image size, optimal display size, html, semantax, media-embed, picture


Play a sound track

The audio element allows a browser to play and pause a media file containing a sound track.
audio player, media file, sound track, html, semantax, media-embed, audio


Play a video

The video element allows a browser to play and pause a media file containing a video.
video playermedia file, html, semantax, media-embed, video


A document within a document

The iframe element places a document within a document.
autonomous, without duplicating, without freezing, html, semantax, media-embed, iframe


Exemplary material

The figure element is used to group an illustration together with a caption or other exemplary or explanatory material.
illustration, caption, exemplary material, explanatory material, html, semantax, media-embed, figure


A figure caption

The figcaption element is used to formally identify the contents or title of an image, figure, or other work of art.
formally identify, contents, title, work of art, html, semantax, media-embed, figcaption


Embedding external content

The embed element provides a way to embed an external app or special type of media into a web page.
embed external media, html, semantax, media-embed, embed


Embedding external content

The object element provides a modern way to embed external apps into a web page.
embed external app, html, semantax, media-embed, object


Negotiate best media file

Each source element provides one version of a media file, allowing the browser to negotiate which one to use.
negotiate image size, optimal display size, html, semantax, media-embed, source


Time Tracks

The track element references an external document containing information about the separate tracks of a video or audio file.
WebVTT, TTML, subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, html, semantax, media-embed, track


Object configuration data

The param element provides a generic way to supply configuration data to an object element.
configuration data, html, semantax, media-embed, param


A drawing board

The canvas element provides a clean slate for graphic drawings created with JavaScript drawing commands.
clean slate, JavaScript drawing commands, html, semantax, media-embed, canvas


Scalable Vector Graphics

The svg element defines an insertion point for graphic drawing declared using the SVG language.
scalable vector graphics, html, semantax, media-embed, svg

semantax > media-embed img · picture · audio · video · iframe · figure · figcaption · embed · object · source · track · param · canvas · svg

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