b · i · u · q · s · sup · sub · em · strong · small · kbd · mark · span



B is for bold

The "b" element is for stylistically treating a word or phrase as being somehow different from the rest, by using a heavier font weight than the surrounding text.
embolden, heavier font weight, html, semantax, term-mark, b


I is for italics

The "i" element is for stylistically treating a word or phrase as being somehow different from the rest, by using an italicized variant of the font.
italicized, html, semantax, term-mark, i


U is for unarticulated

The "u" element is for identifying a word or phrase as being flagged for the readers attention, or marked as significant, or silently annotated.
flagged for attention, marked as significant, silently annotated, html, semantax, term-mark, u


Q is for quotation

The "q" element is for identifying a quote from another source, but only when the quote can be expressed within a sentence without line breaks.
quote another source, without line breaks, html, semantax, term-mark, q


S is for strikethrough

The "s" element is used when a word or phrase is no longer currently relevant, but for historical purposes should remain in the composition.
no longer currently relevant, historical wording, html, semantax, term-mark, s


SUP is for superscripts

The "sup" element is for treating a character as a superscript, displaying it in a smaller text than its surrounding text, and raising its typographic baseline.
smaller text, raising baseline, html, semantax, term-mark, sup


SUB is for subscripts

The "sub" element is for treating a character as a subscript, displaying it in a smaller text than its surrounding text, and lowering its typographic baseline.
smaller text, lowering baseline, html, semantax, term-mark, sub


EM is for emphasis

The "em" element is for emphasizing a word or phrase within a sentence, suggesting that the reader should use an emphatic tone of voice.
emphasizing, heavier font weight, html, semantax, term-mark, em


STRONG is for importance

The "strong" element is for indicating that a word or phrase within a sentence has strong importance, urgency or seriousness.
strong importance, urgency, seriousness, heavier font weight, html, semantax, term-mark, strong


SMALL is for small-print

The "small" element is for text that nobody really wants to read, like legal notices.
text that nobody really wants to read, legal notices, html, semantax, term-mark, small


KBD is for keyboard

The "kbd" element is for indicating text that is typed by the user.
italicized, html, semantax, term-mark, kbd


MARK is for highlights

The "mark" element is for highlighting a notable word or phrase within a sentence. This is typically accomplished by using a different colored background.
highlighting a notable word, different colored background, html, semantax, term-mark, mark


SPAN is for generic use

The span element may be applied to any word or phrase for the purpose of styling or targeting with JavaScript. It is a generic semantax for use when none of the other term-marks apply.
styling, html, semantax, term-mark, span

semantax > term-mark b · i · u · q · s · sup · sub · em · strong · small · kbd · mark · span

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