h1 · h2 · h3 · h4 · h5 · h6 · p



First level header

The h1 element is a header identifying the following paragraphs as being summary in nature, containing introductory material.
summary in nature, containing introductory material, html, semantax, heading-text, h1


Second level header

The h2 element is a header identifying the following paragraphs as exploring some general topic.
exploring, general topic, html, semantax, heading-text, h2


Third level header

The h3 element is a header identifying the following paragraphs as providing details or an in-depth exploration of a specific sub-topic.
providing details, in-depth exploration, specific sub-topic, html, semantax, heading-text, h3


Fourth level header

The h4 element is a header identifying the following paragraphs as providing information that is more precise than the material in the preceding h3 section.
more precise material, complex article, html, semantax, heading-text, h4


Fifth level header

The h5 element is a header identifying the following paragraphs as being a topical subdivision of the preceding h4 header.
more precise material, complex article, html, semantax, heading-text, h5


Sixth level header

The h6 element is a header identifying the following paragraphs as having the most minutiae.
most minutiae, html, semantax, heading-text, h6


P is for paragraph

The p element holds a paragraph, a compositional unit that contains a unified set of sentences exploring or explaining a single point.
compositional unit, unified set of sentences. exploring a single point, explaining a single point, html, semantax, heading-text, p

semantax > heading-text h1 · h2 · h3 · h4 · h5 · h6 · p

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