assignment · substitution · increment · outer-clone · inner-clone



Assign a value to a variable

Use variable assignment syntax to declare and assign a value to a new variable, or reassign a different value to an existing variable.
assign, reassign, bluephrase, syntax, variables, assignment


Make use of a defined variable or sequencer

Use variable substitution within a manuscript to replace the variable's name with its value.
bluephrase, syntax, variables, substitution


Increment a sequencer

Use the variable increment syntax to add 1 to a sequencer.
bluephrase, syntax, variables, increment


Clone the outer contents of a source

Use outer clone syntax to duplicate a source phrase's semantax, attributes, and content, and insert it into the document at the designated place.
bluephrase, syntax, variables, outer-clone


Clone the inner contents of a source

Use inner clone syntax to duplicate a source phrase's inner content, and insert it into the document at the designated place.
bluephrase, syntax, variables, inner-clone

syntax > variables assignment · substitution · increment · outer-clone · inner-clone

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