listmark · citemark · glossmark · notemark · indexmark



Create a citation

Citemarks are used for marking a place within the manuscript with a citation, to be assembled into the back-matter's "References Cited" section.
inline citation, references cited, bluephrase, syntax, doppelmarks, citemark


Create a glossary entry

Glossmarks are used for marking a word within the manuscript so that it can be assembled into the back-matter's glossary.
term, definition, bluephrase, syntax, doppelmarks, glossmark


Create an index entry

Indexmarks are used for marking a word within the manuscript so that it can be assembled into the back-matter's index.
see also, bluephrase, syntax, doppelmarks, indexmark


Create a list entry

Listmarks are used for marking a section header so that it can be built into a table of contents or list of figures.
section header, table of contents, list of figures, bluephrase, syntax, doppelmarks, listmark


Create a footnote/endnote entry

Notemarks are used for marking a sentence to be pulled out of the normal flow and moved to a footnote or endnote area.
footnote, endnote, bluephrase, syntax, doppelmarks, notemark

syntax > doppelmarks listmark · citemark · glossmark · notemark · indexmark

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