First word placement


Should the first word of a paragraph be indented or flush with the left margin?

Property values

Specify how much space to add to a paragraph's first line before its first word. Use any of these font-relative typographic units:

% percent A percentage of the paragraph's width
em em The font-size of the current font
rem relative em The font-size of the <html> element
ch "0" The advance measure (the width) of the current font's "0" glyph
ic ideograph count The advance measure (the width) of the current font's "水" ideograph

Or use any of these fixed size units which are independent of the current font:

in inch A size equal 96px
px pixels A size equal to 1/96 inch
pt point A size equal 1in/72 = 1.33px
pc pica A size equal 1in/6 = 12pt = 16px
cm centimeter A size equal to 96px/2.54 = 37.8px
mm millimeter A size equal to 96px/25.4 = 3.8px
Q quarter millimeter A size equal to 96px/1016 = 0.94px

To create a hanging indent, specify a negative value together with an equivalent positive value for padding-left. (A newer experimental way to create hanging indents is to add the keyword hanging to this property.)


text-indent: 1rem;
typical text-indent
text-indent: -1rem;
padding-left: 1rem;
hanging indents

style > paragraph > text-indentFirst word placement

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