Borders, outlines, shadows


These properties set the style, color, thickness, shadows, corner radius and more, for borders and outlines.

Properties for borders:

  • border
  • border-color
  • border-width
  • border-style
  • border-top
  • border-right
  • border-bottom
  • border-left
  • border-radius

Properties for custom borders from an image file:

  • border-image
  • border-image-source
  • border-image-slice
  • border-image-width
  • border-image-outset
  • border-image-repeat

Properties for outlines:

  • outline
  • outline-color
  • outline-style
  • outline-width
  • outline-offset

Other box properties:

  • box-shadow
  • box-decoration-break


Border: style + color + width

Set the style, color and width for all four borders.
css, style, framing, border


Border line color

Set the color used to draw the element's border line.
css, style, framing, border-color


Border thickness

Set the thickness of an element's border.
css, style, framing, border-width


Border: solid, dashed, dotted

Set the type of pen used to draw an element's border.
css, style, framing, border-style


Border top: style + color + width

Set the top border's style, color and width.
css, style, framing, border-top


Border right: style + color + width

Set the right-side border's style, color and width.
css, style, framing, border-right


Border bottom: style + color + width

Set the bottom border's style, color and width.
css, style, framing, border-bottom


Border left: style + color + width

Set the left-side border's style, color and width
css, style, framing, border-left


Round corners

Adjust the roundness of the element's corners.
css, style, framing, border-radius


All-in-one custom border spec

This property sets all of these properties in a single declaration: border-image-source, border-image-slice, border-image-width, border-image-outset, and border-image-repeat.
css, style, framing, border-image


Custom border image template

Specify the location of the image to be used as the template for a custom border.
css, style, framing, border-image-source


Define the custom border regions

Cut the source image for custom borders into nine pieces: four corners, four edges, and one fill area.
css, style, framing, border-image-slice


Custom border thickness

Specify how to scale the source image regions into the custom border's thickness.
css, style, framing, border-image-width


Custom image offset distance

Specify the distance to offset the custom image from the normal border area, similar to the "outline" property.
css, style, framing, border-image-outset


Custom border corner-to-corner rule

Specify how the borders of a custom image are stretched or repeated to extend from corner to corner.
css, style, framing, border-image-repeat


Outline: style + color + width

Set the outline-style, outline-color and outline-width of an element's outline ("outside-the-box" border).
css, style, framing, outline


Outline color

Set the color used to draw the element's outline ("outside-the-box" border).
css, style, framing, outline-color


Outline: solid, dashed, dotted

Set the type of pen used to draw an element's outline ("outside-the-box" border).
css, style, framing, outline-style


Outline thickness

Set the thickness of an element's outline ("outside-the-box" border).
css, style, framing, outline-width


Distance from border to outline

Specify the distance from the element's outline ("outside-the-box") border to its normal border.
css, style, framing, outline-offset


Box lighting effect

Cast a drop shadow across the element's box using a light source from a specified direction and distance.
css, style, framing, box-shadow


The split element issue

Specify how to render an element's border, margin, padding, and shadow when it is split at a page break, or when an inline element spans more than one line.
css, style, framing, box-decoration-break

style > framing Borders, outlines, shadows

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