doppelmarks · emit · graynotes · shorthand · vocabulary



Choose which doppelmarks are active

Use the doppelmark options to choose which two-character sequences to recognize and interpret as BLUEPHRASE syntax.
doppelmark delimiters, syntax, bluephrase, syntax, options, doppelmarks


Specify the output options

Use the emit option to specify which computer language specification to use for the final output document.
computer language, output document, bluephrase, syntax, options, emit


Choose how to emit graynotes

Use the graynotes option to specify whether or not comments, remarks, replies and placholders should be emitted to the output document.
comments, remarks, replies, placholders, bluephrase, syntax, options, graynotes


Choose the active shorthand symbols

Use the shorthand option to choose which set of characters to recognize and interpret as shorthand symbols.
shorthand symbols, bluephrase, syntax, options, shorthand


Choose which semantax to use

Use the vocabulary option to choose which set of mnemonics are recognized as semantax.
mnemonics, semantax, bluephrase, syntax, options, vocabulary

syntax > options doppelmarks · emit · graynotes · shorthand · vocabulary

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