Rotation, scale, translate, skew


Apply a mathematical transform operation on an element to shift its position, scale it, rotate it, or skew its shape.

2D operations

  • transform
  • transform-origin
  • transform-box
  • rotate
  • scale
  • translate

3D operations

  • transform-style
  • perspective
  • perspective-origin
  • backface-visibility


Matrix algebra

Apply a matrix algebra operation on an element.
css, style, transform, transform


Transform point of reference

Specify the point of reference for the transform operation.
css, style, transform, transform-origin


Precisely tune the transformation origin

Specify whether the transform-origin should account for the padding, borders and margins of the element.
css, style, transform, transform-box


Rotate about an axis

Apply simplified matrix algebra to rotate an element about the x, y or z axis.
css, style, transform, rotate


Shrink or expand

Apply simplified matrix algebra to scale an element to be smaller or larger.
css, style, transform, scale


Adjust position left, right, up, down

Apply simplified matrix algebra to shift an element left, right, up or down.
css, style, transform, translate


Child transformation in 3D space

Specify whether child elements of a 3D transformation are transformed separately or kept in the parent's plane.
css, style, transform, transform-style


Z axis point of observation

Specify the distance from the user's point of observation to the Z axis when performing a transform.
css, style, transform, perspective


X/Y point of observation

Specify the user's point of observation in the X/Y plane when performing a transform.
css, style, transform, perspective-origin


Show/hide back side of transform

Specify whether the back face of a 3D transformation is visible when turned towards the user.
css, style, transform, backface-visibility

style > transform Rotation, scale, translate, skew

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