Widows, orphans, and making a clean break


Rules for nicely breaking the flow of a document into printed pages.

  • break-before
  • break-inside
  • break-after
  • orphans
  • widows


Page break before element

Specify page layout and column layout behaviour immediately before the beginning of this element.
css, style, paging, break-before


Avoiding page breaks within element

Specify page layout and column layout behaviour within this element.
css, style, paging, break-inside


Page break after element

Specify page layout and column layout behaviour immediately after the end of this element.
css, style, paging, break-after


Minimum lines at bottom

Specify the mimimum number of lines that must be kept together at the bottom of a page.
css, style, paging, orphans


Minimum lines at top

Specify the mimimum number of lines that must be kept together at the top of a page.
css, style, paging, widows

style > paging Widows, orphans, and making a clean break

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