Define a grid system


Use templates to define a fixed layout of rows and columns, or auto-rules to define grids with auto-expanding rows or columns.

Define fixed grids:

  • grid
  • grid-template
  • grid-template-rows
  • grid-template-columns
  • grid-template-areas

Define auto-expanding grids:

  • grid-auto-rows
  • grid-auto-columns
  • grid-auto-flow

Define element membership in a grid:

  • grid-area
  • grid-row
  • grid-row-start
  • grid-row-end
  • grid-column
  • grid-column-start
  • grid-column-end

Define gutters between rows and columns:

  • grid-gap
  • grid-row-gap
  • grid-column-gap


All-in-one spec

Specify all of these grid properties at once: grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, grid-template-areas, grid-auto-rows, grid-auto-columns, and grid-auto-flow.
css, style, grid, grid


Defining grids with fixed columns and rows

Use this property to define a grid system that has a fixed number of rows and columns.
css, style, grid, grid-template


Defining grids with fixed rows

Use this property to define a grid system that has a fixed number of rows.
css, style, grid, grid-template-rows


Defining grids with fixed columns

Use this property to define a grid system that has a fixed number of columns.
css, style, grid, grid-template-columns


Defining grids using names

Use this property to define a grid system based on arbitrary names that have user-specific meanings.
css, style, grid, grid-template-areas


Defining grids with flexible rows

Use this property to define a grid system that has a flexible number of rows.
css, style, grid, grid-auto-rows


Defining grids with flexible columns

Use this property to define a grid system that has a flexible number of columns.
css, style, grid, grid-auto-columns


Defining grids with flexible rows

Use this property to define how new elements are positioned in layouts that are configured with auto-columns or auto-rows.
css, style, grid, grid-auto-flow


Grid area

Use this property to define the element's four edges with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-area


Grid row

Use this property to define the element's top and bottom edges with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-row


Grid row start

Use this property to define the element's top edge with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-row-start


Grid row end

Use this property to define the element's bottom edge with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-row-end


Grid column

Use this property to define the element's left and right edges with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-column


Grid column start

Use this property to define the element's left edge with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-column-start


Grid column end

Use this property to define the element's right edge with respect to the grid system.
css, style, grid, grid-column-end


Grid gutters

Use this property to define the width and height of the gutters between columns and rows.
css, style, grid, grid-gap


Grid row gutters

Use this property to define the height of the gutters between rows.
css, style, grid, grid-row-gap


Grid column gutters

Use this property to define the width of the gutters between columns.
css, style, grid, grid-column-gap

style > grid Define a grid system

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