Typographic treatment


These properties set the typographic treatment used with individual characters.

  • letter-spacing
  • quotes
  • tab-size
  • text-decoration
  • text-decoration-line
  • text-decoration-color
  • text-decoration-style
  • text-decoration-thickness
  • text-emphasis
  • text-emphasis-style
  • text-emphasis-color
  • text-emphasis-position
  • text-shadow
  • text-transform
  • text-underline-position
  • white-space
  • word-break
  • word-spacing
  • overflow-wrap


Compress or expand letter spacing

Fine tune the distance between the individual characters of words to create titling effects and to improve readability.
css, style, character, letter-spacing


Culturally aware quotations

Set the glyphs used as quotation-mark enclosures with HTML's <q> tag.
css, style, character, quotes


Oh no! Tabs versus spaces

Use this property to set the width of the whitespace created by a TAB keystroke.
css, style, character, tab-size


All-in-one spec

This property sets all of these properties in a single declaration: text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-thickness.
css, style, character, text-decoration


Decorative line

Choose which type of decorative line to apply to the element's text.
css, style, character, text-decoration-line


Decorative line color

Set the color of underlines, overlines, strikethroughs, and wavy lines.
css, style, character, text-decoration-color


Decorative line style

Set the style for decorative lines used with the element's text.
css, style, character, text-decoration-style


Decorative line thickness

Set the thickness of underlines, overlines, strikethroughs, and wavy lines.
css, style, character, text-decoration-thickness


All-in-one spec

This property sets both the text-emphasis-color and text-emphasis-style properties in a single declaration.
css, style, character, text-emphasis


Emphasis mark style

This property specifies which symbol to use for East Asian text emphasis marks.
css, style, character, text-emphasis-style


Emphasis mark color

This property sets the color used with East Asian text emphasis marks.
css, style, character, text-emphasis-color


Emphasis mark position

This property sets the position of East Asian emphasis marks.
css, style, character, text-emphasis-position


A typographic lighting effect

This property casts a drop shadow across text using a light source from a specified direction and distance.
css, style, character, text-shadow



Force the letters of an element to be UPPERCASE or lowercase.
css, style, character, text-transform


Make underlines more readable

Use this property to force text-decoration underlines to be below the baseline of characters, so that the underline does not cross over letter descenders.
css, style, character, text-underline-position


When you really want to keep those spaces

Determine how spaces, tabs and newlines are handled within an element.
css, style, character, white-space


Force text to break when spaces are not present

Prevent text that has no spaces from overflowing the element's boundaries.
css, style, character, word-break


Whitespace effect for words

Add additional spacing between words.
css, style, character, word-spacing


Prevent overflow

Break a long string of characters without spaces so that it doesn't overflow the element's boundaries.
css, style, character, overflow-wrap

style > character Typographic treatment

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